by David Fleischacker Method can be looked at as technique. This of course entirely misses the meaning of method as Lonergan conceived of it. […]
Year: 2017
Almost 50 Years Since Humanae Vitae: Statistics and Finality in Conception
[this was a piece drafted in 2008 when I had been publishing a series on Humanae Vitae. I had not published this one yet–and now […]
Gender Ideology, Evolution, and Finality
I just returned from a fantastic conference on gender ideology in Denver. I use ideology in the Voegelinian sense, as a deformation of the metaxy […]
Insight into Chemistry: Introduction
by David Fleischacker In Insight, Lonergan makes use of chemistry as one of the examples of higher and lower genii of things in this universe. […]
A Descriptive Metaphysics: An Analogy for the Science of Metaphysics
By David Fleischacker, PhD First Draft Metaphysics as a science seeks to build a comprehensive and generic viewpoint of the universe that is thus far […]
New Seminar in Political Philosophy, Announcement
On May 10, after compline which concludes at about 7:40 pm, a new seminar in Political Philosophy will convene, headed by David Alexander, reading through […]
The Motherly Impulse
by David Fleischacker Generally, one thinks of nurturing when one thinks of motherhood. Usually I find a guttural revolt against this idea today. Yet intrinsically […]