Existential Isomorphism By Dr. David Fleischacker I would like to make a simple statement. The finality of the human person is one of existential isomorphism. […]
Category: Topics
Trinitarian Reflections: The Transcentdental Notions and God, blog 1
by David Fleischacker About two years ago, I started a new notebook on linking together the University and its life with that of the Holy […]
New Seminar: reading Stratford Caldecott’s Beauty for Truth’s Sake: On the Re-enchantment
Message from David Alexander: Our next book selection is Beauty for Truth’s Sake: On the Re-enchantment of Stratford Caldecott. I want to suggest everyone procure […]
Judgment in Aristotle, two natures
As a qualification on how we are to understand judgment in Aristotle, please note that, in the kind of analysis which we find in Aristotle […]
Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, 1a, q. 84, Notes
Notes on Aquinas, Summa Theologiae 1a, q. 84 ST 1.84: How does the human intellect know bodies (which are beneath it) ST 1.84.1 Does the […]
Higher Viewpoints: Part Two From Algebra to Calculus: The Emergence of the Power Rule
[This is a reprint of a 1997 posting] Higher Viewpoints: Part Two From Algebra to Calculus:The Emergence of the Power Rule A Thought Experiment […]
Part 8: Love in Finality, Love, and Marriage
by David Fleischacker Further, love is the act of a subject (principium quod), and as such it is the principle of union between different subjects. […]
Square root of two as an irrational number
Square root of two as an irrational number by Br. Dunstan Robidoux OSB edited by Mr. Michael Hernandez MA When Lonergan discusses inverse insight in […]
Higher Viewpoints: Part One, from arithmetic to algebra, the transition
This is a repost of a 1997 essay written for a seminar on Insight. Higher Viewpoints: Part One From Arithmetic to Algebra: the transition by […]