by David Fleischacker This last week, I gave a little talk on the role of the Church in the conversion of St. Augustine, and in […]
Category: Topics
40 Years since Humanae Vitae, Part 2: Finality and Spermatozoan
By Dr. David Fleischacker Sometimes, when one begins a journey, one never knows how it will entirely end. In part, this is true for what […]
40 Years since Humanae Vitae: Lonergan, conception, and contraception. Part 1.
by Dr. David Fleischacker Since it is the 40th anniversary of the publication of Humanae Vitae this year, I thought it might be worthwhile to […]
Mediated and Immediate Sublations
The following thought falls under metaphysical musings. About 14 years ago, I had written a paper for the late Fr. Stephen Happell dealing with the […]
When does the human person begin to exist? Part 9, the conclusion
by David Fleischacker In this entry, I will end up repeating some of the same conclusions as in the last two blogs, however, with a […]
When does the human person begin to exist? Part 8, a challenge to the last blog.
by David Fleischacker I am hoping now to return to this line of thought again, after a bit of a delay because of a busy […]
When does the Human Person Begin to Exist? Part 7. The Human Person: As Body and Mind
By David Fleischacker In the last blog, I had mentioned the final steps in reaching a conclusion. Ignore that, at least in part. In this […]
When does the human person begin to exist? Part 6: The human person as developing
by Dr. David Fleischacker In the former 5 parts of our inquiry, we had explored the meaning of the Thomistic definition of person as a […]
When does the human person begin to exist? Part 5: “In an Intellectual Nature”
By David Fleischacker “In an Intellectual Nature” As we move toward the final installment that will complete the current inquiry that began over a month […]
When does the human person begin to exist? Part 4 The basis of the unity-identity-whole in an explanatory viewpoint.
by David Fleischacker In the last installment on January 11th, a question was posed at the end. “The question then becomes more precisely what is […]