by David Fleischacker I have been re-reading “Finality, Love, and Marriage” written by Lonergan in 1943.[1] It is quite an interesting piece once you explore […]
Category: Topics
Insight, Method, and the Trinity
On Holy Saturday morning at 10:30 am, we will be discussing INSIGHT, chapter 14, section 3 (Method in Metaphysics). We will link it to METHOD […]
Commentary: Ft. 28 Ch. 1 Lonergan’s Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas
Footnote 28 in Lonergan’s Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas The full text of this footnote in Bernard Lonergan’s Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas […]
Inner Words as Objects of Thought (without footnotes)
Some Notes on the Inner Word as an Object of Thought by Br. Dunstan Robidoux OSB In a review of arguments that Lonergan marshals, Lonergan […]
Servais Pinckaers’s Morality: the Catholic View, summary
Understanding what is Catholic Morality Servais Pinckaers’ Morality The Catholic View, an introduction Preface: to understand the many different components which are constitutive of Catholic […]
Form and Species or Form versus Species, 3rd ed.
link to:FormandSpecies
At death, are we still persons? Some argue that St. Thomas would say NO.
I heard yesterday of a current debate taking place within Thomist circles about what St. Thomas held regarding the corruption of the human person at death. For […]
Lonergan on Scotus on Aquinas, 2nd ed.
link to:Lonergan on Scotus