1 by Br. Dunstan Robidoux OSB For an initial understanding about what is meant by a “transposition of meaning,” as Matthew Lamb argues in “Lonergan’s […]
Category: St. Thomas Aquinas
Lonergan and Aquinas and Questions about Using a Faculty Psychology
by Dunstan Robidoux, OSB In the works of Aquinas and, sometimes, even in some of Lonergan’s writings, one finds references to human conscious life in […]
Love of the gods, of God, and the Capacity for self-transcendence.
St. Thomas Aquinas argues that sanctifying grace transforms the very essence of the human soul (Summa Theologica, I-II, Q 110, a. 4). This essence is […]
Lonergan and Aquinas: Isomorphism and Proportionality
by Br. Dunstan Robidoux OSB The Thomism of Lonergan’s philosophy and theology is accepted by some and rejected by others. On the one hand, Lonergan […]
St. Thomas on why there are only three Persons when there are four mutually opposed relations in the Holy Trinity
by Dr. David Fleischacker In the first part of the Summa Theologicae, question 30, article 2, St. Thomas is presenting the intelligible grounds for the […]
Knowing and Willing in Aquinas
By Dunstan Robidoux, OSB In the common literature which exists about Aquinas, he is frequently described as an “intellectualist.” His philosophy (or theology) is frequently […]