Potencynotes This paper exists as an excerpt belonging to a much larger work which attends to how acts of sensing, understanding, and judging are to […]
Category: Topics
Form in Aquinas and Lonergan (revised notes 1/6/2013)
Form in Aquinas and Lonergan (revised notes 1/6/2013)
Chapter 2 Notes Trinity (revised December 1, 2012)
Chapter 2 Notes (revised December 1, 2012)
Sufficient Reason in Lonergan and Aquinas
Sufficient Reason in Aquinas and Lonergan
Seminar October 20 on the metaphysical character of relations
summary by David Fleischacker Relations: Primary Relativity Concrete Relations: Primary relativity + secondary determinations After discussing distinctions which are recognized by a negative judgment, Lonergan […]
Distinctions grasped by negative judgment
Insight Forum: Saturday September 29, 2012 On Saturday, September 29th, we will begin chapter 16, Metaphysics as Science in INSIGHT. The point of the chapter […]
Feeling and Knowing in Lonergan: reflections on how they relate
Reflections on feeling and knowing
Podcast of Insight Seminar held on March 24, 2012 is up
You can find the podcast for the latest Insight Seminar held on March 24, 2012 in the Insight forum. This session examined the application of […]
March 10, 2012 Insight Podcast Now Up (good quality audio and discussion)
The podcast from latest Insight seminar held on March 10 is now up in the Insight forum. The discussion and quality of the audio were […]
A question about evil and the intrinsic independence of the human intellectual, rational, and volitional spirit from the empirical residue. But only a question.
by Dr. David Fleischacker For those who are interested, I have been continuing to work on the topic of my last blogs regarding the […]