September 24 Explanatory Genera and Species
1. At “First….”
a. What is a conjugate form?
b. How does an conjugate form define a thing?
c. What is an explanatory genus?
d. What is an explanatory species?
e. What is the relationship of explanatory genus to thing?
f. What is the relationship of explanatory species to thing?
2. At “Secondly…”
a. What is the difference between a conjugate act and a conjugate form?
b. What is the difference between a conjugate act that is systematic and a conjugate act that is random?
c. Why is a random conjugate act an instance of the empirical residue? How can a random act be an instance of the empirical residue?
3. At “Thirdly…”
a. How can a conjugate act occur regularly but not as direct component of a scheme of recurrence?
b. Why does the existence of a conjugate act that occurs regularly but is not a component of a scheme provide necessary and sufficient evidence for another set of conjugates of another genus that exist in another set of schemes?
4. At “Fourthly….”
a. How is “Thirdly” recurrent?
5. At “Fifthly…”
a. Why/how does a lower set of conjugate potencies, forms, and act survive when they form the higher conjugate potencies of higher conjugate forms and acts, yet the things of the lower set do not survive or exist?
October 15 Explanatory Genera and Species
October 29 Potency and Limitation
November 19 Potency and Finality
December 3 The Notion of Development
December 17 The Notion of Development