Judgment in Aristotle, two natures

As a qualification on how we are to understand judgment in Aristotle, please note that, in the kind of analysis which we find in Aristotle and also in the manner […]...

Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, 1a, q. 84, Notes

Notes on Aquinas, Summa Theologiae 1a, q. 84 ST 1.84: How does the human intellect know bodies (which are beneath it) ST 1.84.1 Does the soul know bodies through the […]...

New Manent Seminar: Beyond Radical Secularism

Message from David Alexander: I would like to propose that we read Beyond Radical Secularism by Pierre Manent and do so on the following schedule: 26OCT- parts 1-5, to pg. […]...

Greek Discovery of Mind, Socrates, notes

Socrates The intrusion of the systematic exigence into the realm of common sense is beautifully illustrated by Plato’s early dialogues. Socrates would ask for the definition of this or that […]...

Pierre Manent’s City of Man, chapter 4, notes

Notes on Manent’s The City of Man, Chapter IV: The Hidden Man 1 Manent has described thus far the three major spheres in modern man’s self-consciousness: History, Society and Economy. […]...

Greek Discovery of Mind, the Sophists, notes

Philosophies of Man The Sophists were the next group of philosophers although they were not really philosophers as such since they are better described as rhetoricians who became known as […]...

Pierre Manent’s City of Man, ch. 3, Notes

Notes on Manent’s The City of Man, Chapter III, “The Economic System” by David Alexander 1 Where Montesquieu cautiously established the English experience as a new authority, Adam Smith accepted […]...