The Motherly Impulse

by David Fleischacker Generally, one thinks of nurturing when one thinks of motherhood. Usually I find a guttural revolt against this idea today. Yet intrinsically “to nurture” is a good […]...

Reality or Being — Are these the same?

by Dr. David Fleischacker This one is more for those who have studied Lonergan a bit.  Sorry to those who have not. Though most today might think of being and […]...

Judgment and the Recovery of Being

by Dr. David Fleischacker Lonergan’s explanatory formulation of the interior structure of judgment dismantles one of the great culprits of the modern world that has left vast reaches of the […]...

Isomorphic Existentialism

Existential Isomorphism By Dr. David Fleischacker I would like to make a simple statement. The finality of the human person is one of existential isomorphism. Why Existential? I am sure […]...

From David Fleischacker

Just a quick note.  I will be publishing a reflection every Friday at 3 pm. Most of these will be short pointers and thoughts about the writings of Bernard Lonergan. […]...