By Dr. David Fleischacker [This springs from a series of blogs titled “When does the human being begin to exist?” which I had written starting […]
Category: The Gift of Life
Gender Ideology, Evolution, and Finality
I just returned from a fantastic conference on gender ideology in Denver. I use ideology in the Voegelinian sense, as a deformation of the metaxy […]
The Motherly Impulse
by David Fleischacker Generally, one thinks of nurturing when one thinks of motherhood. Usually I find a guttural revolt against this idea today. Yet intrinsically […]
Perfection in Suffering on the Cross: A Transcendental-Metaphysical Analysis
[If you had seen this piece during the first hour it was posted, I apologize for the confusion. I dictate these blogs into a program, […]
Part 8: Love in Finality, Love, and Marriage
by David Fleischacker Further, love is the act of a subject (principium quod), and as such it is the principle of union between different subjects. […]
Part 7: Finality, Final Cause, and the Good in “Finality, Love, and Marriage”
by David Fleischacker “For the final cause is the cuius gratia, and its specific or formal constituent is the good as cause.” (Finality, Love, Marriage, […]
Part 6: Horizontal and Vertical Finality in Marriage, Love, and Finality
By David Fleischacker Four ideas about the generic relationship of horizontal and vertical finality stand out in Lonergan’s 1943 essay – “Finality, Love, and Marriage.” […]
Part 5a: Horizontal Finality, a note
… marriage is more an incorporation of the finality of sex than of sex itself. (Finality, Love, Marriage, 45) On vacation, so this will be […]
Part 5: Horizontal and Vertical Finality, and a further note on Conjoined Plurality in Finality, Love, and Marriage
by David Fleischacker Quick note on horizontal and vertical finality I am not going to say much on this today, simply because I am […]
Part 4a: “Conjoined Union” in Finality, Love, and Marriage
by David Fleischacker As I was thinking about the meaning of a “conjoined union,” the key kind of potency in such a union is […]