Message from David Alexander: Our next book selection is Beauty for Truth’s Sake: On the Re-enchantment of Stratford Caldecott. I want to suggest everyone procure […]
Month: December 2016
Pierre Manent’s Beyond Radical Secularism, updated notes
Pierre Manent’s Beyond Secular Radicalism Preface Manent begins with a reflection on the political formation of modern France. Many of his reflections apply […]
Knowledge of Christ seminar, message from Sam Pell
It was great to meet you all a few weeks ago and discuss St. Thomas Aquinas. We will continue our study this month with a […]
Paul Joseph Sweeney, obituary
As published in The Hour: Paul Joseph Sweeney, 63, died on the evening of December 4, 2016, after a courageous three-year fight against cancer. Born […]
Paul Sweeney, Requiescat in Pace
Please know, dear friends, that our friend and fellow reader and student, Paul Sweeney, age 63, has died, last Sunday evening at about 7:30 at […]