Lonergan on Scotus on Aquinas, 2nd ed. Posted on December 11, 2014September 14, 2019 by Br. Dunstan Robidoux, OSB link to:Lonergan on Scotus
Cognitive Theory Ethics Forum Evil Morality How and Why does Ethics Exist? according to Aquinas admin March 10, 2021 0
Aquinas Forum Cognitive Theory Self-Transcendence St. Thomas Aquinas Questioning as Understood by Aquinas admin December 11, 2020 0
Cognitive Theory Sedes Sapientiae Uncategorized Was Lonergan a Kantian? lecture by Fr. Phillip Brown S.S. Br. Dunstan Robidoux, OSB June 23, 2013 0 PJB Lonergan & Kant Web Version