Philosophical Aspects of Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology Posted on July 6, 2020July 6, 2020 by Br. Dunstan Robidoux, OSB Philosophical Aspects of Bernard Lonergan’s Method in TheologyDownload
Cognitive Theory Fr. Giovanni Sala Metaphysics Immediacy and Mediation in Our Knowledge of Being: Some Reflections on the Epistemologies of Emerich Coreth and Bernard Lonergan Br. Dunstan Robidoux, OSB July 10, 2020 0
Fr. Giovanni Sala Created Grace – A Philosophical Argument to Prove its Existence Br. Dunstan Robidoux, OSB July 4, 2020 0
Aquinas Forum Cognitive Theory Fr. Giovanni Sala St. Thomas Aquinas From Thomas Aquinas to Bernard Lonergan: Continuity and Novelty Br. Dunstan Robidoux, OSB July 11, 2020 0