All interested persons are welcome to attend a special symposium that will convene Sunday afternoon September 14, 2014 at St. Anselm’s Abbey, Washington DC 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm. The subtitle of this symposium is as follows: Divine Revelation as mediated by a divinely constituted Church as the liberating environment for developing a cosmopolis that overcomes the longer cycle of decline, a philosophical tradition of wisdom that overcomes intellectual pride and philosophical counter-positions, and fruitful theological communities that overcome theological fideism and rationalism. We dedicate this symposium to the loving memory of fellow students and teachers: Mrs. Pasqualina Young and Dr. Ronald Vardiman. Three speakers will make presentations: 1) Bishop Philip Egan, Diocese of Portsmouth in England who will speak about the problem and challenge of secularization 2) Dr. Andrew Beards, School of the Annunciation, Buckfast Abbey, England who will speak about Lonergan and meaning, and 3) Dr. David Fleischacker, Dean of the School of Arts and Science, University of Mary, Bismarck, North Dakota who will speak about “Liberty and Revelation.” Bishop Egan will open the discussion with his paper. A question period will accompany each presentation in conjunction the availability of food and drink. Copies of the papers discussed will be available for persons who would wish to obtain texts for subsequent study.
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