Diffusion de sa pensée
Nouvelles publications 2013-15


Lonergan, Bernard. La Trinità/ 1. Parte dogmatica: lo sviluppo dottrinale (Opere di BL 11) . Roma, 2014. Edited and translated by Domenico Ronchitelli. Published by Città Nuova. [Note: This is an Italian translation of CWL 11] Oggetto di studio del volume è

Helminiak, Daniel A. Brain, Consciousness, and God: A Lonerganian Integration. State University of New York Press, 2015.

McCarthy, Michael H. Authenticity as Self-Transcendence: The Enduring Insights of Bernard Lonergan. South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015.

Morelli, Mark D. Self-Possession: Being at Home in Conscious Performance. Chestnut Hill, MA: The Lonergan Institute at Boston College, 2015.


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